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StaMaIStateMachineTemplateVisitor Methods

The IStateMachineTemplateVisitor type exposes the following members.

Public methodCode exampleEndRegion
This method will be called after a Region object was encountered while traversing a StateMachineTemplate with the PassThrough() method.
Public methodCode exampleEndState
This method will be called after a State object was encountered while traversing a StateMachineTemplate with the PassThrough() method.
Public methodCode exampleRegion
This method will be called when a Region object is encountered while traversing a StateMachineTemplate with the PassThrough() method.
Public methodCode exampleState
This method will be called when a State object is encountered while traversing a StateMachineTemplate with the PassThrough() method.
Public methodCode exampleTransition
This method will be called when a Transition object is encountered while traversing a StateMachineTemplate with the PassThrough() method.
See Also